Ancient Future - Charles D. Roper
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Ancient Future - Charles D. Roper

 This story spans our present time up to the third millennium. Ancient Future is a fantasy that will hopefully titillate the imagination of the young and old. Its theme is adult, but the children i worked with as a counselor for several years inspired many if its ideas. The novel is a story about loss and hope, pain and pleasure, joy and trepidation. It explores the heights of human aspirations and potential forced to coexist with human greed and selfishness. in a world of great technological advancement that boggles the imagination, there are factors that mar their quest for utopia. Ultimately it concludes with the realization that no great joy is ever achieved without some pain, and no pain is ever considered too great a sacrifice in the joy of great. United Minds

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Ancient future is a futuristic fantasy about the next generations. This story spans our present time up to the third millennium. Ancient Future is a fantasy that will hopefully titillate the imagination of the young and old. Its theme is adult, but the children i worked with as a counselor for several years inspired many if its ideas. The novel is a story about loss and hope, pain and pleasure, joy and trepidation. It explores the heights of human aspirations and potential forced to coexist with human greed and selfishness. in a world of great technological advancement that boggles the imagination, there are factors that mar their quest for utopia. Ultimately it concludes with the realization that no great joy is ever achieved without some pain, and no pain is ever considered too great a sacrifice in the joy of great. United Minds




EAN:      9781403308245

IDIOMA:              INGLES

FECHA DE EDICIÓN:        26-08-2002


1 Artículo
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